christina goodman

Using very fine brushes and working under a magnifier, Louisiana’s Christina Goodman creates richly detailed miniature paintings on jewelry and small artworks.  Artist: Born in Italy, Goodman grew up in the Washington, DC, area.There she was exposed to a great deal of art, particularly Renaissance paintings at the National Gallery (her parents were lovers of…

joe grant

In college, Joe Grant was seduced by the power of glass. Today the North Carolina glass blower is known for his high-end, thoughtfully designed, hand-crafted glass objects. Artist: The Illinois native grew up in Champaign and studied glass at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Grant earned an MFA at the Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. He…

lou haney

In her bright, shiny and over-the-top paintings, Virginia’s Lou Haney explores the excess, absurdity, and intensity of American culture.  Artist: The Alabama native, grew up in Decatur. She went to Rhodes College in Memphis, where she explored the technical qualities – glossy and plastic – of acrylic paint. After graduating with a BA, she spent…

christine goh

In her functional and sculptural ceramic designs, Maryland’s Christine Goh draws from nature, including the changing light of the seasons and the color palettes of her daily surroundings. Artist: Born and raised in Singapore, Goh received a BFA and Bachelor of Architecture from the National University of Singapore. Having lived and worked in Tokyo, Boston and Bangkok, she…

charity ridpath

Texas designer Charity Ridpath makes sculptural jewelry from clear, single-use plastics as remarkably diverse as bubblewrap and produce bags. Artist: Born in Lubbock, Ridpath grew up in Austin. As a kid, she was crafty, teaching herself embroidery, knitting and basket weaving. At Texas State University, where she earned a BFA in studio arts/metal in 2018,…

soo kim yung

Rice holds a significant place in Soo Kim Yung’s family and memories. It also is the medium for the Atlanta painter’s minimal and abstract works.  Artist: Born in South Korea, she immigrated to Cleveland, OH, with her family in 1996. They moved to Atlanta in 2000. A graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD),…

jere williams

Some of Jere Williams’ wood sculptures are incredibly detailed. Others are on the minimal side. But they all convey a sense of curiosity. Company/studio: Williams, previously in Richmond, is based in Savannah as of June 2023. The artist, an Atlanta native, hasn’t settled on a studio location. Artist: Williams grew up in Atlanta in a family…

nathan durfee

In his paintings, Charleston’s Nathan Durfee blends equal parts Monet, Norman Rockwell and Dr. Seuss. Then adds a pinch of whimsy and snark. Artist: Born in Vermont, Durfee grew up in Lake Tahoe, CA. He received a BFA in illustration at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in 2005, but gradually made the shift…

james wade

A self-described landscape sculptor, Kentucky’s James Wade is inspired by a sense of place. Company/studio: Hammermark Studio, which started in 2002, is located near Lexington on the artist’s family farm. Artist: Born in Columbus, IN, Wade moved as a teenager to Lexington, KY. He studied art at the University of Kentucky, where he earned a…

evan blackwell helgeson

Georgia native Evan Blackwell Helgeson creates layered abstract paintings that reflect a love of nature, travel and color. Artist: The Georgia native grew up in Roswell and earned a BFA from the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia. She also holds an MFA from School of the Museum of Fine Arts…