anne scarpa mccauley

Virginia’s Anne Scarpa McCauley uses wild honeysuckle in her distinctive coiled baskets, trays and sculptures. Company/studio: Honeysuckle Baskets is located in Free Union, VA. McCauley, a self-taught artist works from home, mostly outdoors. She began making honeysuckle baskets in 1974. Artist: Born in Windsor, VT, she moved at age four with her family to the…

jason janow

North Carolina jewelry artist Jason Janow describes his rustic yet refined designs as “precisely nature.” Artist: Growing up in Amherst, VA, Janow loved the outdoors and took an early interest in jewelry. Later, at age 30, he made a career change and enrolled in Haywood Community College in Clyde, NC, where he earned a degree in…

kate pak

For Atlanta ceramic artist Kate Pak, making pieces that feel good to hold and touch is an integral part of her craft. Company/studio: Kate Pak Handcrafted Ceramics. The artist has a studio at Callanwolde Fine Arts Center in Atlanta. She has been a resident studio assistant/artist since 2022, but creating her work since 2017. Artist: Born in…

michelle laxalt

Atlanta artist Michelle Laxalt describes her ceramic sculptures and works on paper as intimately-scaled, abstract, biomorphic and purposefully ambiguous. The artist: Born and raised in Reno, NV, Laxalt graduated in 2014 from the University of Nevada, Reno, with a BFA in ceramics. She relocated to Atlanta for grad school, earning an MFA from Georgia State University…

steven l. anderson

Maybe best-known for his detailed tree ring drawings, Atlanta artist Steven L. Anderson works in a variety of media to explore the power and beauty of nature. Over time. And on us. Artist: Grew up in Ann Arbor, MI, and graduated from University of Michigan and The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where…

chad eames

Self-taught Kentucky woodturner Chad Eames tries to highlight the natural features of the wood – knots, voids and bark inclusions — while still maintaining a modern feel with his designs. Company/studio:  Chad Eames WoodWorks started in 2008 and is based in Lexington. Eames’ workshop is in his garage. Artist: Born in Royal Oak, MI, and…

john shoemaker

North Carolina glass designer John Shoemaker draws on antique and scientific glass forms to create his modern apothecary flasks and drinkware. The artist: Originally from Pennsylvania, Shoemaker began blowing glass in 2008 at Tyler School of Art at Temple University, where he earned a BFA in glass. Over the years, he has extended his education by…

geoffrey aaron harris

Inspired by his collection and fascination with antique toys and games from the 1950s, South Carolina digital painter Geoffrey Aaron Harris strives to create unique and contemporary artwork with a nostalgic quality. Artist: Born on a naval base in Keflavik, Iceland, Harris lived in many places growing up, from Alaska to South Carolina. From an…

brie flora

Tennessee jeweler and artist Brie Flora creates quirky cool pieces that are packed with personality. The artist: Born in Atlanta, but grew up in Wisconsin and then Massachusetts. Flora graduated from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MASSART) in 2015, where she double majored in jewelry/metalsmithing and art education. After graduation, she taught intro/intermediate jewelry workshops…

morgan lugo

Memories, fleeting and fragmented, play a key role in the abstract sculptural works of Georgia metal artist Morgan Lugo. Artist: Born in Marietta, GA, Lugo earned a BFA with a concentration in sculpture from Georgia State University (GSU). It was at GSU, where she was introduced to metal casting and mold making. She also learned…