jeffie brewer

East Texas native Jeffie Brewer likes to say he makes sunshine out of paint and steel. His big and bright sculptures prove it. The artist: Brewer grew up in Palestine, a small, rural town in East Texas, where his parents owned a junkyard, a dangerous and often magical place for an only child. Brewer earned an…

francis sills

In a recent series of paintings, South Carolina’s Francis Sills was influenced by the landscape in and around his Low Country home.  The artist: Sills grew up in central New Jersey where he was exposed to art and nature as a child, hiking and fishing in the woods, ponds and creeks near his home. He…

daniel decaprio

In his carved wood jewelry, Louisiana’s Daniel DiCaprio hopes to create biological forms, like orchids, that are weird yet beautiful. The artist: Born in Albany, DiCaprio grew up in the Hudson River Valley of upstate New York. He graduated with a degree in art education from Nazareth College in Rochester, NY, and later earned his…

david c. robinson

In his visually complex sculptures, Atlanta ceramic artist David Robinson is inspired by the natural world and “the residue of the human experience.” The artist: Robinson grew up in Greenville, MS, and graduated from Delta State University in Cleveland, MS. He also earned a master’s degree in instructional design from Georgia State University (GSU). While working…

steve miller

Using local woods, North Carolina’s Steve Miller carves, burns and carefully applies layers of nuanced colors to create his highly textured hollow vessels and sculptures. The artist: Born in Miami, Miller graduated from Florida International University and served 33 years with the Miami-Dade Police Department before retiring in 2007. In the beginning: Miller started woodturning…

molly wright

In her bright, color-happy paintings, Tennessee’s Molly Wright depicts landscapes, people (sheep too) in an abstract style. The artist: Wright grew up in Virginia and Connecticut, taking drawing and painting lessons. She attended a public high school that had an excellent art department, and then earned a degree in fine art from Randolph-Macon Woman’s College…

jim wise

Atlanta’s Jim Wise blurs the lines between fantasy and reality in his large, dreamlike paintings. The artist: Wise grew up in Raleigh, NC, and graduated with a BS degree in visual design from North Carolina State University. After graduation, Wise moved to Atlanta to pursue a design career. His first job was work at John H.…

sarah house

In New Orleans, Sarah House creates contemporary and abstract ceramic sculptures inspired by her fascination with fractals in nature. The artist: House grew up in Baltimore and earned a BFA in 2007 from Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia. After graduation, she started to work as a professional artist and became a resident artist at…

maysey craddock

Exploring the ever-shifting landscapes of the wild Southern wetlands, Memphis artist Maysey Craddock creates intricate gouache-on-paper paintings. The artist: Craddock grew up in Memphis and lived in New Orleans for many years, where she received a BA in sculpture and anthropology from Tulane University. She also earned an MFA from Maine College of Art in Portland.…

melissa schmidt

Inspired by some antique blown glass buttons, Melissa Schmidt designs stunning blown glass jewelry that is both durable yet lightweight. Elegant and unexpected. The artist: Born in St. Louis, Schmidt grew up in Honolulu and San Francisco, where she attended different colleges, first for metals, then for fashion. After a move to St. Louis, she earned…