cheryl smith

On walks, Cheryl Mackey Smith takes time to notice the seemingly endless patterns and random occurrences in nature. The North Carolina ceramics artist then transforms them into elegantly textured wall art. The artist: Born in Schenectady, Smith grew up in Scotia, NY, with parents who encouraged her interest in art. At age 17, she moved with…

crystal gregory

Kentucky-based artist Crystal Gregory sees herself as a builder, often pairing construction materials with handmade textiles in her contemporary work. The artist: Gregory grew up in Huntington Beach, CA, and earned a BFA from the University of Oregon and an MFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Gregory lived and worked in…

lori katz

In her modular wall squares, Virginia’s Lori Katz uses clay as a canvas, taking it beyond its traditional realm of function. The artist: Born and grew up in Jersey City, NJ, often visiting museums and galleries in NYC. Katz attended George Washington University in Washington, DC, where she found a place in the ceramics studio. After…