elyse defoor

In her multi-media art and installations, Elyse Defoor explores a variety of contemporary themes. In one popular series, the Atlanta artist uses women’s swimsuits as a symbol for our culture’s obsession with outward appearances. In another, Defoor photographs knives and bullet shells to reflect our fascination with objects that can both protect and destroy. No…

dave lasker

One grandfather was a carpenter. The other was a machinist. Both influenced Dave Lasker’s work and career as a contemporary furniture designer and sculptor in Atlanta. The artist: Born in West Seneca, NY, Lasker lived in Providence, RI. Before heading off to college, he worked construction jobs during the summer months in high school. He…

Eileen Braun

Georgia’s Eileen Braun made a name for herself as an award-winning ceramic artist. Then four years ago, she abruptly turned her talents in a completely different direction. The artist: Born in Boston, Braun grew up in the nearby suburb of Newton Center. She earned a degree in sculpture and art education from Indiana University. After…