courtney n. ryan

Georgia artist Courtney N. Ryan envisions her ceramic sculptures as organic natural seed pods that travel from place to place in the natural world. Artist: Born in Fort Bragg, NC, in 1991 into a long line of Army service members. Her family moved soon after she was born to Fort Benning, GA, where her father was…

lindsy davis

Lindsy Davis says her art is often categorized as minimal. But to the Nashville sculptor and painter, it is anything but. Artist: The northern New Jersey native grew up in Mahwah near the New York border with a creative mother who studied photography and a hard-working father, who owned a coffee shop. At an early…

corran shrimpton

In her ceramic forms, Atlanta-based figurative sculptor Corran Shrimpton examines the complicated and fraught relationship that she and many women/femmes have with their body in a beauty-obsessed culture. Artist: Shrimpton is from Syracuse, NY, and received her BFA with a minor in philosophy from Alfred University. She is currently an MFA candidate and Welch Fellow…

william hall

Texas-based artist William Hall utilizes sand, grout, mortar and acid stains to produce his abstract cast wall reliefs. Artist: Born in Bartlesville, OK, Hall moved to Dallas in 1963. After graduating with a BA of fine arts from the University of Texas at Arlington, he became one of the founding members of 500 Exposition Gallery…

kevin kao

South Carolina sculptor Kevin Kao often draws on ancient statuary in his figure-ish clay work. Artist: Born and raised in Yorba Linda, CA, Kao has a BS in Biology from the University of California, San Diego, and a MFA in Studio Art, with a ceramics focus, from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The sculptor, who now…

norman morgan

In Alabama, chase and repousse’ artist Norman Morgan captures the natural beauty found in the outdoors in his detailed jewelry designs. Artist: Morgan grew up in Tarboro, NC. His art career started as a teenager when classmates discovered that he could draw reasonably good rock stars, and they were willing to pay for them. After…

jym davis

Ancient folklore, festivals and customs inspire the masks, outfits and sculptures of Georgia artist Jym Davis. Artist: Grew up in Radford, VA. At Carson-Newman University in Tennessee, Davis studied drawing and painting. In 2003, he earned an MFA in video art from the University of North Carolina Greensboro. He later taught part time at UNC Greensboro…

jaydan moore

Jaydan Moore believes the past can still live within a new object. That is why the Virginia metalsmith turns secondhand silver trays and platters into modern sculptures. Artist: The California native grew up in Antioch, where Moore was influenced, in part, by his family’s decades-old business as tombstone makers. Though objects, the tombstones, served as memories…

joe grant

In college, Joe Grant was seduced by the power of glass. Today the North Carolina glass blower is known for his high-end, thoughtfully designed, hand-crafted glass objects. Artist: The Illinois native grew up in Champaign and studied glass at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Grant earned an MFA at the Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. He…

soo kim yung

Rice holds a significant place in Soo Kim Yung’s family and memories. It also is the medium for the Atlanta painter’s minimal and abstract works.  Artist: Born in South Korea, she immigrated to Cleveland, OH, with her family in 1996. They moved to Atlanta in 2000. A graduate of Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD),…