kate furman

South Carolina designer Kate Furman describes her “perfectly imperfect” jewelry as rustic with a refined feel. Artist: Born and raised in Greenville, SC, Furman graduated with a BFA from the University of Georgia in Jewelry and Metalworking. She went on to earn an MFA from Rhode Island School of Design in Jewelry and Metalsmithing. Between…

ben strear

In North Carolina, Ben Strear sculpts and carves wood sculptures that feature detailed patterns inspired by ancient artifacts and structures. Artist: Colorado native who was born and grew up in Longmont. He graduated with a BFA in furniture design from the Rhode Island School of Design. “The furniture design program was great for me because…

dave lasker

One grandfather was a carpenter. The other was a machinist. Both influenced Dave Lasker’s work and career as a contemporary furniture designer and sculptor in Atlanta. The artist: Born in West Seneca, NY, Lasker lived in Providence, RI. Before heading off to college, he worked construction jobs during the summer months in high school. He…