brandi couvillion

Inspired by historic maps and architectural details, New Orleans native Brandi Couvillion tells stories in her historically inspired jewelry. Artist: A New Orleans native, Couvillion graduated from Tulane University. To explore her creative side, she took workshops at Penland School of Craft (NC) and Haystack Mountain School of Crafts. A few serendipitous classes at New…

emily zawislak

New Orleans jewelry designer Emily Zawislak uses traditional metalsmithing techniques to make striking, minimalist pieces, integrating faceted gemstones and the elegant luster of gold accents. Artist: Born in Houston, Zawislak’s family moved around the country many times before they settled in New Orleans when she was a teenager. After high school, she went to the…

demond matsuo

New Orleans collage artist Demond Matsuo explores the mythic heroes and symbols of many cultures in his mixed-media works. Artist: Matsuo was born in Morgan City, LA, and grew up in nearby Patterson, reading, playing video games and training in the martial arts. At Louisiana State University (LSU), Matsuo started in political science but wanted to…

sean clark

Growing up, Sean G. Clark loved X-Men and comic books. Today, the New Orleans painter still draws on the formal elements of comic books, like color and composition, in his abstract and figurative works., Artist: The Tennessee native grew up in Chattanooga. In 2011, he graduated from Morehouse College in Atlanta with a BS degree…

stephanie rosendorf

Atlanta ceramic artist Stephanie Rosendorf makes richly textured porcelain sculptures inspired by the natural world. Artist: Born and grew up in New Orleans. She graduated from the University of New Orleans. In late 2006, after Hurricane Katrina, she moved to Atlanta, where she worked in print and online publishing. In 2008, Rosendorf started taking ceramics…

brett henderson

New Orleans artist Brett Henderson uses depth in his colorful and layered abstract paintings. Artist: The Oklahoma City native grew up drawing and painting. In 2002, he moved to New Orleans, to study film at the University of New Orleans. It took a few years to realize he wasn’t happy working on the other people’s…

ida floreak

Science and the natural world meet in the otherworldly yet photorealistic still-life paintings of New Orleans-based artist Ida Floreak. Artist: Grew up in Cambridge, MA, and earned a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design, where she studied painting and scientific illustration. As part of a college program, Floreak spent a year in Rome,…

rachel david

For North Carolina’s Rachel David, the very physical and technically demanding process of forging and forming shapes in glowing steel is her passion. The artist: Born in New Jersey, David grew up in Maryland and graduated from Evergreen State College (WA). In 2005, she moved to New Orleans to build glass-blowing equipment. She lived and…

gogo jewelry

New Orleans native Gogo Borgerding says her personal style is more vintage, but the colorful metal jewelry she makes is decidedly modern. The artist: After graduating in 2000 from Savannah College of Art and Design with a degree in metals and jewelry design, Borgerding returned to New Orleans and got to work. In 2006, she…

mary singleton

NOLA-based artist Mary Singleton calls her color-happy paintings “botanical abstractions.” The artist: Born in Baton Rouge, Singleton started painting as a child, disappearing into her art for hours. After taking a bohemian approach to college and life in her early 20s, she graduated with a BFA from Louisiana State University. She moved to New Orleans…