raymond padron

Tennessee sculptor Raymond Padron carves hyper-realistic wood wall reliefs of familiar and often meaningful items from your past. Artist: Born in Maryland, Padron grew up in the North Virginia suburbs of DC. He graduated with a BA in art from Messiah College in Grantham, PA, and moved to Chattanooga, TN. In 2011, Padron received his…

daryl thetford

Tennessee’s Daryl Thetford often uses more than 200 photographs to create one piece of his digital pop art. Artist: Thetford grew up on a farm in Bradford, a small town in the rural northwest corner of Tennessee. His father worked in a warehouse, and his mother was a beautician. While Thetford’s parents encouraged him to pursue…

carol prusa

Science and art come together in Carol Prusa’s large-scale silver point works. The artist: Growing up on Chicago’s south side, Prusa was drawn to the unknown. She studied chemistry at the University of Illinois and earned a B.S. in biocommunication arts and later received a MFA in painting and drawing from Drake University (1985). Prusa is…

John Petrey

Who would’ve thought you could make a stunning dress out of bottle caps, roof shingles and soda pop cans. Chattanooga’s John Petrey did. The result is a sought-after collection of dress sculptures, all made from the most unexpected materials. The artist & background: Born in Southern California, Petrey earned degrees in graphic design and advertising…