lisa heller

Lisa Heller, an Atlanta lawyer turned jewelry designer, calls her work Modern Artifacts. That is because she likes to take moments from history and reinterpret them into modern pieces of jewelry. Artist: Born in Pittsburgh, PA, Heller’s family moved to Stuart, FL, when she was nine.  In Stuart, her dad was mayor and her mother…

raymond padron

Tennessee sculptor Raymond Padron carves hyper-realistic wood wall reliefs of familiar and often meaningful items from your past. Artist: Born in Maryland, Padron grew up in the North Virginia suburbs of DC. He graduated with a BA in art from Messiah College in Grantham, PA, and moved to Chattanooga, TN. In 2011, Padron received his…

beth conklin

Using a combination of digital painting and photo manipulation techniques, Birmingham native Beth Conklin creates work she describes as recycled dreamscapes. Artist: The Alabama native was born and raised in Birmingham. She graduated from the University of Alabama with a degree in mechanical engineering and worked as an environmental engineer for ExxonMobil for 13 years. Conklin…

courtney khail

Georgia-based artist Courtney Khail produces abstract floral watercolor paintings and murals using pools of bold color and layers of gestural lines. Artist: Originally from Augusta, Khail studied visual arts at John S. Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School for eight years in her hometown. She graduated from the University of Georgia in 2007 with a BFA in…

karli pendergraft

North Carolina ceramic sculptor Karli Pendergraft makes soft organic forms and vessels with abstracted elements from the natural world. Artist: The North Carolina native was born and grew up in Raleigh. In 2018, she received her BFA in studio art from Appalachian State University in Boone. Soon after graduation, she moved to Asheville. Studio: Since…

katarina tifft

Katarina Tifft’s sculptural work is a contemporary take on traditional seashell crafts. Company/studio: Katarina Tifft Art, which started in 2022, is based in Gainesville, FL. The artist, who started working with shells in 2020 during the pandemic, has a dedicated home studio. Artist: Born in Slovakia (the former Czechoslovakia) she grew up in the countryside…

patti quinn hill

To construct her elegant and intricate works, North Carolina weaver Patti Quinn Hill uses traditional basketry techniques and a non-traditional material: painted archival paper. Artist: Born in New Orleans, Hill grew up in nearby Metairie, where her mother and grandmother taught her needlework and sewing skills. Company/studio: Patti Quinn Hill is based in Weaverville, NC. The artist,…

matt lively

Virginia native Matt Lively is a sculptor, painter and muralist whose love of movies, invented themes and unconventional materials influence his work. Artist: Born in Richmond, and graduated with a BFA in sculpture from Virginia Commonwealth University. After college, he lived in Louisville and Atlanta before moving back to Richmond. Company/studio: Matt Lively, based in Richmond, VA,…

brandi couvillion

Inspired by historic maps and architectural details, New Orleans native Brandi Couvillion tells stories in her historically inspired jewelry. Artist: A New Orleans native, Couvillion graduated from Tulane University. To explore her creative side, she took workshops at Penland School of Craft (NC) and Haystack Mountain School of Crafts. A few serendipitous classes at New…

anderson smith

Atlanta’s Anderson Smith combines photography, painting and imagery from pop culture in his abstract works. But Smith doesn’t just create art, he also displays it at the two galleries he owns. Artist: Born and grew up in Chicago. After high school, Smith went into the military and later graduated with a sociology degree from Barber-Scotia…