richard wilson

Richard Wilson’s art takes you back to cherished childhood moments, filled with warmth and connection. The North Carolina artist’s work also tells inspiring stories of African-American figures, often untold, through the use of symbolism in his paintings. These portraits reach out to everyone, especially children, encouraging them to dream big.  Artist: The North Carolina native…

alice colin

Charleston-based painter Alice Colin aims to express emotions and thoughts through colors and patterns.  Artist: Born and raised in Bordeaux, France, Colin left in her early 20’s to study, live and work in several other cities/countries, including Rome, London, Barcelona and New Delhi. Along the way, she earned a master’s degree in psychology and another…

doug powell

Doug Powell’s art first caught the attention of Ripley’s “Believe It or Not.” Now the Florida-based artist is widely known for using upcycled computer keys to create his large, contemporary mosaics. The artist: Born in Ashland, KY, Powell grew up in Basking Ridge, NJ. After serving in the U.S. Navy from 1981 to 1991, he…