alice colin

Charleston-based painter Alice Colin aims to express emotions and thoughts through colors and patterns.  Artist: Born and raised in Bordeaux, France, Colin left in her early 20’s to study, live and work in several other cities/countries, including Rome, London, Barcelona and New Delhi. Along the way, she earned a master’s degree in psychology and another…

dorri buchholtz

Atlanta’s Dorri Buchholtz has long been intrigued by the body, and the stories it tells through posture and gesture. First, in her former career in sports medicine and sports performance. And now, as a sculptor. Artist: Born in New York and lived there nine years before moving to Florida, where she went to middle and…

corran shrimpton

In her ceramic forms, Atlanta-based figurative sculptor Corran Shrimpton examines the complicated and fraught relationship that she and many women/femmes have with their body in a beauty-obsessed culture. Artist: Shrimpton is from Syracuse, NY, and received her BFA with a minor in philosophy from Alfred University. She is currently an MFA candidate and Welch Fellow…